Q and A with Monroe Howard

Monroe Howard-Shackelford is a Licensed Therapist, motivational speaker and educator best known for his work as a life coach and advocate for mental health awareness. Monroe has translated his passion for education into a career spanning more than 15 years that has...

Self- Care

May is the month of self-care at HOPE Center Harlem and to honor that this month, we have an interview with mental health and self-care advocate Minaa B who shares with us her journey to social work and how she practices self-care. She is a writer, therapist, wellness...

April is National Month of HOPE

April is the month of hope, and of course at The Hope Center Harlem, we strive to create an environment filled with hope in our present and our future. So, what does hope mean to me? Hope is believing in yourself and believing that you are worthy and deserving of all...

My Journey to Social Work

My journey to social work wasn’t inspired by a single “aha” moment, but rather a series of life events that made me realize I cared deeply about people and their well-being. I have always been interested in the human brain and psychology, but what drew me to social...

Breathing Exercises for Relaxation & Stress Management

Take a deep breath in. Now let it out. You may notice a difference in how you feel already. Your breath is a powerful tool to ease stress and make you feel less anxious. Some simple breathing exercises can make a big difference if you make them part of your regular...