Andrys Tavarez

Andrys Tavarez Bio Portrait
Andrys Tavarez
Advanced Clinical Fellow

Advanced Clinical Fellow

Andrys Tavarez is an advanced clinical fellow at The HOPE Center, where she applies her deep-rooted passion for mental health. With a Bachelor’s degree in Africana, Puerto Rican & Latino Studies from Hunter College, she brings a rich understanding of cultural and social dynamics to her practice. Currently enrolled in a Masters of Social Work Program at Fordham University, Andrys is expanding her expertise to better serve diverse communities with compassion and understanding. She approaches therapy with a person-centered lens, prioritizing the unique intersectionality of each individual's identity, experiences, and the influence of societal factors.

Outside of her professional life, Andrys channels her creativity and passion for art as essential tools for self-expression and coping with mental health challenges. She finds solace and inspiration in painting, pottery, and spending time with her beloved dog. Committed to creating a supportive, empathetic, and empowering environment for her clients, Andrys is dedicated to guiding individuals through their journey of healing and self-discovery, leveraging her academic background, personal interests, and professional training to support resilience, understanding, and hope.